Sunday, February 20, 2011

Call for Entries: Echo Awards

Here's the launch video.

There are tons more videos coming. Join Tim & Keith's group We Want An Echo on Facebook. Easier to get updates and see the new clips released every week as they desperately try to get more people to enter. There also are presentations being posted on Slideshare by Ashley, the "account coordinator." You can also submit and rate work you find at the Echo Index, either by using the Bookmarklet in the browser or downloading the free iphone app at the itunes store (Search for Echo Index). Stunts are promised too. Keep watching.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

VOICES: What I Wish Someone Had Told Me

I just contributed a piece to the new "Voices" section of Canada's Ad Buzz, my favorite new industry blog. It covers what I wish I had learned starting out in the business. It's terribly candid and most of it quite true.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Let's Move : Mom Was Here Campaign

Today Michelle Obama celebrated one-year of her Let's Move initiative and included the debut of the Ogilvy-created campaign we did: "Mom Was Here". It's TV, digital, print and OOH with the Ad Council. Hopefully you'll see it soon on air, in print, or in person.

Mom Was Here :: "Blackout" (:30)

Mom Was Here :: "Wallet" (:30)