Monday, May 31, 2010

Advertising Jobs: 5 Great Careers You Don’t Know

Second column in The Faster Times: Advertising Jobs: 5 Great Careers You Don’t Know

Hope you'll read it and comment (there, not here) and even join The Faster Times as a member — and choose me as your favorite writer when that's setup. I think this is a great topic and I'm sure my summaries don't do the career paths justice but opening up opportunities especially during such a tight job market hopefully is help to some people who want to get into the business but don't see all the openings that actually exist.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Faster writing

Excited and honored to become the first advertising columnist in The Faster Times. Great paper. I try to lay out my principles for it in the first post. I'm trying to do it weekly or bi-weekly depending on how much of a groove I can get into but Tuesday looks like it'll be my regular publishing date.

Support The Faster Times by becoming a member, and choose me as your writer! There are great bonus gifts too for all levels of membership from $12-60.

There's a slew of good columns so I must be in good company.