Sunday, October 24, 2010


New posting up at The Nervous Breakdown: 

Spare Me Your Shekels

have a look at this one and the earlier ones.

Posted via email from matzucker's posterous

Saturday, October 23, 2010

PopTech : Blog : "Marriage Was Invented to Get In-Laws"

Spent several days at the PopTech conference in Camden, Maine. Theme this year was around Necessary Failures, Accidental Discoveries.
Well-orchestrated, series of sub-topics around emotions, violence and gulf stories. Expert talks from both science and social entrepreneurs. Here's one great one by Stephanie Coontz from Friday.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Advertising Places: the Local, the Proud, the Disappointingly Bland

New column up at The Faster Times. Wanted to cover more about marketing cities, states, countries and the idea of "Place." A recent JetBlue campaign, integrating the I Love New York icon, was the catalyst but it brought up lots of famous and utterly forgettable efforts. Please share, comment at the article and retweet it for me. Would love to get some good discussion going. For the article: